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Project Outpour Mobile Showers - Hygiene Item Drive
Project Outpour provides mobile showers and hygiene services to our neighbors moving through homelessness. We provide new socks, underwear and tee shirts to each person, as well as a clean towel and all hygiene items people need to take a shower. We go through a lot of supplies! Toothbrushes, deodorant, underwear, razors - think of all the things you might use in the bathroom. For most of the people we see, the shower they take in our mobile unit is the only shower they get to take each week. When was the last time you had to go more than a day without a shower? In the hot summer, in the cold winter, after a long day - think about how good it feels to take a shower and be clean. Please support our drive and give the gift of clean to our neighbors in need.